Creative Products Certification Program 

NAMTA is excited to announce the new Creative Products Certification Program (CPC). Login to The Studio with your NAMTA account information to access the dynamic 10-part video education series for the entire creative products community. 

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From Pigment +Colors to Papers to Fibers+Yarn to Adhesives+Cutters to Brushes to Markers, Watercolors, Oils, Acrylics, and more, this video series presents essential elements that every staff member needs to know to support customers and market growth. The series includes demonstrations on how paint is made, permanence and lightfastness, cutters and adhesives, yarn, jewelry making, and more. 

Each video includes a web-based assessment to ensure that key concepts have been addressed and remembered. Upon completion of all ten quizzes, participants will receive certification and a pin confirming them as an 'expert guide' within the Namta Creative Products Certification program.

View All CPC Certified NAMTA Members


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Fill out the form below to add employees to your NAMTA Company Profile. All members must have a NAMTA account to access the CPC.

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Visit The Studio to begin taking the CPC. All members must be logged into their NAMTA account to access the CPC.

The Studio



“This is a great journey!... Anyone who watches this will be able to work the sales floor with more confidence!”

- Creative Products Retail Manager


Directly to The Studio (log in with your NAMTA account login and password)

  1. Direct Access to The Studio: Use the link above and use your NAMTA login credentials to access The Studio.
  2. Alternative Access via Namta Website: Visit and log in with your credentials. This will direct you to the ‘welcome’ page. Look for The Studio link on the ‘welcome’ page. Clicking this link will take you to The Studio page. Note that you’ll be logged in at this point, but you’ll still need to click the LOG IN button located at the top right corner of the page.
  3. Selecting a Topic: Scroll down and click (or double click, if necessary) on the topic that interests you.
  4. You’re In!: At this point, you should have access to your selected topic within The Studio. If you encounter any issues or need assistance with your login information, please contact [email protected]


What does it mean to be ‘certified’ as a creative products ‘expert?’
The certification from NAMTA means that you’ve demonstrated an understanding of essential information for the successful selection and use of key products in the creative products community.  

Does that mean I’ll know everything there is to know?
Of course not. There’s a lifetime of information and skills to explore in this community. But it DOES mean that you have the essential knowledge to help a customer make good choices about products that will enhance their success. And it means that you understand how to look for additional information, as needed.

How long does it take to complete the program?
There are ten videos (11 if you count the introduction), each of which runs between 9 and 15 minutes. That’s a total of a bit over two hours.  Each quiz includes between 8 - 12 questions and is likely to take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete - so you’re looking at a total time investment of 3 to 4 hours - but you don’t have to do it all at once. You can break it up as needed for convenience and to keep yourself fresh. And the videos don’t have to be watched in order.

What’s a passing score on the quizzes - and what happens if I don’t pass?
For certification, you need watch the full videos and then ‘nail’ each quiz with a 100%. But you can take the quizzes as many times as you need to get that!

Are there resources other than the videos to help me?
Each video chapter also includes a downloadable ‘CheatSheet’ that provides a selection of key points from the videos. The ‘CheatSheets’ are intended to be printed (front and back) and then trimmed to size (5.5x8.5). They can be stapled and folded for use as a pocket guide - or printed on card stock and bound to make a simple reference that can be kept at the store register or counter. There is also a downloadable bibliography within the Introduction chapter listing a number of key resources that can be used to research additional product and technique information.

What do I get when I complete the certification program?  
When you’ve viewed all videos and completed all quizzes, you’ll automatically receive a certificate of completion via email. You’ll also receive a ‘Creative Products Certified Expert’ pin that can be worn on an apron or shirt. That said, it’s our sincere hope that the real benefit of this program is in helping you to develop a greater level of confidence in your knowledge and skills. There’s no better resource for helping creative ‘makers’ understand what the products can (and can’t) do than a creative products retailer…and you. We hope this program will help you to take pride in your role in the community - and to enjoy your work even more.

If you have any additional questions, contact us at [email protected].